Home Doggz Pet Sitters is not your average Pet Sitter.
These are qualities and abilities that have provided Home Doggz with the ability to be successful.
Licensed Real Estate Agent-This means I have been state tested and safety approved to enter the homes of people throughout the state.
Published Author-I have a written and published a book. This takes determination, desire, passion, and demonstrates that I know how to complete and accomplish goals.
Data Control Expert-While employed at Lockheed Martin, I learned essential skills that have allowed me to grow business and create happy customers. I designed, created and operate my own data tracking and follow-up system that allows me to provide top quality materials and information for you.
Pet Owner-I have been a pet owner since I was 5 years old...at current I am just shy of 35 years of age. I have been involved in pet care for a variety of animals for the last 30 years.
Parent-I am the proud father of 3 young children. This means I know how to balance time and be patient. I understand the love that I have for my kids and pets, so I am always completely aware of how important your pet is to you.
College Graduate-I have a business degree from The University of North Texas and I attended school on a hard earned full scholarship. What I learned in college, was not found in a classroom. I learned that accomplishments don't happen because of knowledge, but rather because of dedication.
Local Expert-I have lived in the DFW Metroplex since 1983. I have seen and experienced its growth and changes.
Service-I value people and I desire to help. Over the years, I have been involved in many activities from the Special Olympics, Toy's For Tots, Helping the Victims of Hurricane Katrina, Habitat for Humanity, Junior Achievement, and more...
I say these things because most likely you found out about Home Doggz via the Internet or as a referral from one of my customers. The key is that most likely you do not actually know me.
The Internet provides you the fabulous ability to check out many pet sitters. The trick is picking the right one for you. The problem with this type of research is that you really can only compare rates but not the service that you will receive.
Fantastic service is provided when you select someone that cares about helping you first and generating income second. It is found when you select the person that has a great character, but also has a full awareness and ability to give you the help you desire in the manner in which you desire it.
All of this is found with Home Doggz Pet Sitters.
Home Doggz is a pet sitting service that services Carrollton, Allen,
Frisco, Lewisville, Irving and surrounding cities. We are a fun, creative,
successful and happy bunch that are driven by our servant hearts. Curt
Fletcher founded Home Doggz after a very successful career in Real
Estate where he helped over 500 families find homes...and he cannot wait
to help you too!!