You have options...
- You can go old school and take them to a location where they will be placed in small scary cages for the duration of the time you are gone.
- You can look for a teenager in the neighborhood that may or may not be reliable.
- You can call family and friends and ask them to put their lives and plans on hold to take care of your pets while you are away.
You can find a local pet sitter.
What is a pet sitter?
A good pet sitter IS the following...
Insured and Bonded
When looking for a pet sitter to enter your home while you are gone and take care of your pets in the manner in which you desire, the pet sitter must possess ALL of these characteristics and more.
A quality pet sitter while provide more than feeding and walking your dog.
Home Doggz Pet Sitters WILL go the extra mile...then we go further.
At Home Doggz, we not only feed your animals, walk them, provide clean water each visit, clean food bowls, administer medicine when applicable, change out kitty litter, feed your fish, bring in the newspapers, mail, and door flyers, etc.
We also, take the time to play with your animals. We will rub their bellies, take a jog, play fetch or catch, tickle, scratch and love on them.
The real job of the pet sitter is to transfer love from us to your pet while you are away. ALL of the other tasks that we perform are simply the basics.
Home Doggz offers very flexible pricing structures, service periods and virtually everything else. The only thing we do not negotiate and will remain firm with is our passion and integrity. Those can not be compromised.
As far as we are concerned, everything is subject to our clients needs and desires. We are in business for you to help your pets.
HomeDoggz is a pet sitting service that services the Mountain Creek
Community near Cedar Hill. We are a fun, creative,
successful and happy bunch that are driven by our servant hearts. Curt
and Crystal Fletcher have 25 years of combined experience in Property
Management, Property Maintenance and Real Estate Sales. They specialize
with home care needs such as organizing, cleaning and detailing closets,
rooms, garages etc. and with exterior home care needs such as lawn
maintenance and gutter cleaning. Their quest to find quality, reasonably priced home concierge services for their own four-legged family members, gave birth to Home Doggz pet sitting services.
"We are caring, credible people who can get the chores done when you just CAN'T."
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